Changing your email address

Log in, click Profile, change the email address then click Save

Changing your username

You can't change your username or the username of any of your trainees unless you contact us.

Changing your password

Log in, click on Profile (where it says Hi [name]), click on Change and follow the instructions. Click Save to update.

Changing someone else's password

If you're a Manager or account holder, you can change a trainee's password by searching for them, then clicking on Edit. There's more information with screenshots here.

Changing an email after you've invited a trainee

If the trainee hasn't accepted their invitation, delete the invitation and then reinvite them. DO NOT delete them if they already have accepted it and started the course as this will remove them from the course; if they haven't started the course, you can delete them and it will return the course licence to your spare licences and you can invite them again.  

Your trainee can change their email, but not their username.

Changing an email or username of a trainee you've added with a spreadsheet or via the form

If they haven't started, you can delete them and it will return the course licence to your spare licences, then you can invite them using your preferred username/email. Your trainee can change their email, but not their username.