Important things to know before you use the bulk upload

If you make a mistake with an email address or username it will use one course licence but you can undo it by logging in and deleting the trainee in question before they start. This will add the course licence back for you.

You can bulk upload trainees using the CSV template. 

Download the template here. There is some sample data which you can delete, but don't delete the header row with the column names.

Bulk upload page

Click on Import trainees in the Options menu on the Trainees and courses page.

Then you will see the course selector. Choose the course, choose the file, then click Upload.

Email addresses

Trainees aren't required to have a unique email, they can have a username instead.

Note that once you have uploaded a trainee without an email, they cannot add an email to their account.


Use only letters, numbers and full stops. Don't use any other characters. It won't work with commas, spaces, etc.

Instructions for filling out the CSV template

This shows an example of a variety of scenarios including trainees that only have a username, trainees that only have an email and a trainee that has both a username and email.

CSV rules

  • If a driver doesn't have a company email and you don't want to use their private email, they don't need to have an email address
  • Usernames must be unique in the system, so we recommend you append your company name or some modifier to the username just in case someone has used it already, e.g. john.yourco, or yourco001, yourco002, etc. It is case-sensitive, i.e. Yourco, is different to yourco. Usernames cannot have spaces or special characters.
  • If you are uploading trainees without usernames (i.e. you'll put their email in the username field), the emails MUST be unique. Two different trainees can't have the same email address.
  • If you are uploading trainees with usernames, an email address is optional (but we recommend it).
  • If a trainee you are uploading exists in a different company (i.e. they worked there and had a profile with DT), please invite them via email using the Invite via email option. If they only have a username, contact us.
  • Password is mandatory and must be more than 8 characters and include at least 1 number. They don't have to be unique.
  • Groups must exactly match the capitalisation and spelling of the groups you want to add them too. E.g. if you want to add them to Auckland and Sales then you will write Auckland, Sales in the field. If you're not using groups, you must enter Default Group.
  • First name and last name are not mandatory fields, but we recommend you fill them in.

Access to modules and courses will be decided by the groups that you assign the trainees to. 

During the upload process, the bar will progress across the screen as the trainee's accounts are created. Please do not close the screen while this is happening.

If the process is completed, then you will receive confirmation.

Notifying trainees that don't have email addresses

If you don't have individual email addresses for your trainees they won't receive reminders or a confirmation email about their account. They won't be able to reset their password or retrieve a forgotten password; you will have to manage this for them by logging in and editing the profile.

If you do add an email into the email field, those trainees will receive a confirmation email with their account details.

Errors with importing

Errors will be given with a row number, e.g. 

Drivers in the following rows in your spreadsheet already exist either in your company or with a private account: 3,4

In this case, '3,4' refers to the third and fourth record in the spreadsheet, which will be row 4 and 5.

You will get these errors if you try to upload too many trainees, upload a driver who already exists, or don't include enough information.

If there are any errors in the file, no trainees will be imported and you will receive a notification telling you how to fix the spreadsheet.

Potential warning notifications

Please create the groups [insert list of groups], or change them in the spreadsheet to groups that exist - You are trying to upload to a group that doesn't exist. Go to Manage > Your Groups and create a group to match what's in your spreadsheet, or modify your spreadsheet to include groups that already exist.

Please ensure all passwords meet the minimum requirements - A supplied password isn't strong enough

There are characters in the following cells which are not unicode: [cell reference]. Please replace or delete them. - This error is given if your spreadsheet contains a non-UTF-8 or unicode character. Most commonly, this is a curly apostrophe rather than a straight apostrophe, as you can see in this version of the name O'Neill.

[email] is not a valid email - You probably have an odd character in it, like a space or a > (this sometimes happens if you paste hyperlinked emails into Excel, rather than just pasting the text).

Bulk uploading managers

Managers must have email addresses, so you can use the Invite managers feature. Find out how here.

The course is not available or the button is greyed out

If the button is grey or the course is not listed it means you have no spare course licences. Purchase one or more course licences and try again.