Exceeded the number of password attempts
You get 10 attempts to get your password correct. It's best not to lock your account. Use the Forgotten password option and it will email you a password reset link.
If you don't have an email, then you will need to ask your manager to change your password for you. They can do this by searching for your profile, clicking Edit and then entering a new email.
Notification: This invitation link has already been used or is expired
Chances are that you are clicking on the invitation link in the invitation email. This can only be used once. Go to the website instead (www.drivingtests.co.nz).
Notification: User with this email or username doesn't exist in the system
Either the email or username you've entered doesn't exist or the account has been deactivated or deleted. Contact the person who invited you.
Account is locked due to too many password attempts
If you're a trainee and you've been invited as part of your company's training, ask your Manager to change your password (instructions for them are here). If you bought the licence for yourself and you don't receive a password reset email from the login page, contact us using the Contact us form and we'll unlock it for you.