Have you filled in your first name and last name in the Profile page? Both must be filled in. You can use your company name in there if you want the emails to come from the company rather than you. The company logo will appear in emails.

Are you trying to add a trainee that has previously had a course or who has been deleted? In this case, click here to see how to add them as an existing trainee.

Do you have spare course licences? If you just purchased a Learner Licence Plus course, you only have one trainee (yourself). Purchase at least two licences for any other course and it will upgrade you so that you can add other trainees. 

How to get some spare course licences

  1. Purchase more, either by clicking Options > Buy more licences, or going to the course page itself and clicking Buy now and following the cart instructions.
  2. Delete a trainee that has not started the course. If the trainee has not started the course, their course licence can be used for someone else. Click Options > Enrolled trainees and find the trainee you'd like to delete. Make sure they are on 0% completion.

When you click on Invite trainees, it should look something like this.

Only the main account holder and managers with the correct permissions can invite trainees.