To get to the Profile page, click Hi [name] on the top right of the screen.
Depending on your account type and privileges, you might see fewer options.
In the profile page you can add details that will appear in things like the certificate. If you make any changes, click Save to store the changes, or Cancel if you want to discard the changes.
You can't change the username associated with your account. Most of the time it will be the same as your email address unless you don't have an email address. If you need to change the username (e.g. if there's a mistake), please contact us.
First name and last name
Your first name and last name will appear in the certificate. Your first name will appear in emails.
Your profile picture
Browse to a picture on your computer and click Open, then click Save at the bottom of the page to load the picture. The maximum size is 600x800 pixels and it must be a jpeg, PNG or GIF.
The email you will receive notices to, and what you use to log in (unless you just have a username)
If you want to change your password, click Change. Reenter your existing password then a new password, then click Save.
The company is set by the account holder. If you are a trainee or manager it will be added automatically.
Address and phone
These are optional.
Driver licence number
This can be a useful field to fill in if you have qualifications that rely on needing your driver licence
If you have qualifications that give unit standards, you can enter this number here.
Date of birth
This is optional.
This is optional.
Site settings (Account holders only) - setting privileges and permissions for Managers
Select whether managers are allowed to purchase courses, invite and delete drivers, etc.