From within the Trainees and courses page, click into the Course and trainee options dropdown menu and select Add trainee(s) using form. This will invite your trainee without the need for an email address.

Firstly, choose whether you are adding a new trainee or an existing trainee. If the trainee already exists, you can search the username and simply add them - much quicker than having to add all the details.

New trainees

The username must be unique within our website and it must only contain letters, numbers or full stops - no other characters. 

The password should be at least 5 characters.

Enter a first and last name for the user so it will print on the certificate.

If they don't have an email, leave this blank.

Choose the group or groups the trainee will belong to.

The course should automatically have been chosen based on which course you selected.

As soon as you click Create, one course licence will be used for the course you select and access begins immediately (i.e. the course timer starts).

Existing trainees

If a trainee is already registered on a course, choose Existing trainee. You can search for the trainee using the first field. 

Adding more than one trainee at a time

Simply search the trainee, then click their username, then search another trainee, and so on. Then choose the group(s). It'll look like this:

Notifying trainees that don't have email addresses

If you don't have individual email addresses for your trainees they won't receive reminders or a confirmation email about their account. They won't be able to reset their password or retrieve a forgotten password; you will have to manage this for them. You can change their password by searching them and clicking Edit.

Managers will receive a notification when you add a trainee to a group they are responsible for.

If you do add an email into the email field, those trainees will receive a confirmation email with their account details.