Some courses, such as forklift operator's certificate and D endorsement have a renewal period. This will be automatically written into the training record if the course was completed on DT. If not, you can specify the renewal.

Renewals due in the next 90 days

90 days from the renewal date, all managers will receive an email notification (unless it's turned off), that some renewals are pending. 90 days gives plenty of time to arrange training. Another email will be sent at 30 days and when the record expires unless it is marked as reviewed - see below.

Overdue renewals

Overdue renewals are renewals that are past the renew date. 

Training records can be viewed (click View), marked as reviewed (check the appropriate checkbox) and you can view all records by clicking View all.

Viewing and reviewing training records

From Manage > Training records, click on View all.

A list of training records will display, sorted by oldest expiring first. You can change the order by clicking on the column header.

Check the checkbox for any records you have reviewed. This will stop you being reminded about them via email.

You can sort them using the Sort by dropdown menu, and you can download all the data by clicking the Download data button.

When looking at a trainee's list training records, you can use the Options menu to edit or delete.