Bulk uploading training records
Go to Manage> Training Records. Click on Import from file
Download a template from the link, or click here.
Ensure you have downloaded and filled out the template accurately. Save it as a CSV - it cannot be any other type of file.
Your CSV must not have any formulas in it - paste values, not formulas.
Choose the CSV by clicking Choose File and browsing to it.
If you have trainees in your data that do not yet have an account with DT, check the box My data contains new trainees that don't yet have a profile. Note that if you have incorrect data in your spreadsheet and you've checked that checkbox, there's a risk you could create multiple new accounts for trainees that, in reality, already exist.
Click Upload to complete the process.
Spreadsheet fields
Fields with * are compulsory
- Username* - a username with no spaces or special characters. Stick to letters, numbers, full stop, hyphen
- Email - optional
- Password* - minimum 8 characters with at least one number
- First name*
- Last name*
- Groups* - Must match at least one group already set. Separate multiple groups with commas, e.g. Default group, Auckland
- Qualification or training type* - Choose one or more from Operator's certificate, Training, Licence class, Licence endorsement, Unit standard, Other, Assessment. Separate multiple using a comma, e.g. Unit standard, Other
- Qualification or training name* - Name of the qualification as you would like it to appear, e.g. Fatigue management course
- Date achieved* - dd/mm/yyyy
- Expiry date - optional - dd/mm/yyyy. Setting one will set a reminder for 90 days before the expiry date
- Hours taken - optional. Numbers only
- Unit standards - optional. Can also be used for additional information.
- Assessor name: optional
- Assessor email: optional
If you receive warnings about the spreadsheet when you try to upload it, please follow the instructions in the warning. It will tell you which cells have errors. Watch for:
- Spaces at the end of emails
- Curly apostrophes that don't match straight apostrophes (there are 2 types of apostrophe, and Microsoft products make a curly apostrophe, but many other systems create a straight apostrophe)
- Misspellings in group names
- Email addresses that still have mailto or <> around them
- Dates that are incorrectly formatted
- Typos in cells where there's a restricted data input.
If you get a warning about rows in the spreadsheet that appear to be blank, e.g. it warns that row 30 is blank, but you only have 29 rows, copy and paste the data into a new spreadsheet, save as a CSV and try again (there's something odd about Microsoft CSVs that sometimes causes this error).
Bulk deleting training records
You can delete all training records in one go. Be careful with this as it cannot be undone. Click on Delete all.
It will prompt you that this is permanent. Click Cancel if you don't want to continue.
If you want to download the training records first (just in case!) then click on Export all from the dropdown menu.