This is a major upgrade to the shopping cart, plus a large number of minor features. If you find a bug, please let us know.
- Add and remove multiple different courses from the cart rather than just being able to purchase one type of course at once
- Additional payment methods: bank transfer, invoice, Paypal, Google Pay, Apple Pay
- Invoice payment: immediate access to course materials for pre-approved purchasers
- Cart automatically prompts for course prerequisites, e.g. it checks you have the right licences or qualifications already
- Cart automatically prompts for address when course materials such as study guides need to be sent
- NZ Post API to ensure addresses are deliverable for course materials
- Revised pricing: pricing is now GST exclusive to make it easier for you to see the real price. A few courses have had minor price changes to make sure the prices work with two decimal places
- Email instructions are sent automatically on purchase for some courses
Course detail
- More detail shown in the overview, such as whether unit standards are available, study guides are sent, etc
Driver management
- Course for deleted drivers can now be renewed without you having to reinvite them
- Better sorting for various views
- Driver search searches username, name and email now
- Managers can now purchase courses, if permission is given in Profile > Account
Miscellaneous course upgrades
- Fixed (finally): Quizzes should not report that you got the question wrong even though you got it right (let us know if it still does)
- Truck loader crane operators certificate now creates an ID card
- Added three courses over the last few months: Heavy vehicle load security, light vehicle load security, and dangerous goods handler
- Misc upgrades to Fleet Driver Skills
- Misc upgrades to D endorsement
- Misc upgrades to forklift operator's certificate and F+OSH
- Activity log is now under Reports
- Activity log contains more detail
- Profile updated with new address fields
- Backup email is now no longer user-specific (can be used for multiple users)