How to start your course

If you're not already logged in, click on Log in / Create account on the top right


Or if you're on a smartphone, it will appear just as 'Log in'. The app is free and you can download it by following these help pages.

You can access your course from three places: Your courses > Take training modules, Your courses (then click on the course name), or Courses (then click on the course name)

It might ask you to set your name before you do anything else - fill this in because you'll need it for your certificate.

If you just have the one course, that's all you'll see in the Take Training Modules page. If you have more than one course, click the dropdown menu (Choose course) and select which course you'd like to do. 

This is what it looks like on a smartphone

You can start taking the modules from this page by clicking Take module. Or, if you want to find a fuller description of the course and its modules you can click on Your courses.: (or Account > Your Courses on a smartphone)

If you're on a smartphone, click Account, then Your courses.

It will show you the course names and your current progress. Click on the name of the course that you want to take.

Click on the Start now button or simply scroll down to the modules.

Click on Start module to start the module. Watch the video or presentation (if available) then complete the questions. You can repeat the module as many times as you like. Note: the software logs how much time you spend on each activity.

Once you've completed some modules they will appear in the Your skills section.

Simply work your way through all the available modules. Once you've finished, you will be able to generate a certificate.