You can download this from the Reports page. The columns are:

(A) Name: First name and last name

(B) Email: Email address

(C) Username: Username

(D) Groups: the group or groups that the trainee is assigned to. Note: this could change over time

(E) Date all available modules were completed: the date that the trainee got 100% in all the available modules. Note: this might change over time if they are assigned to a group with different modules available

(F) Course name: the name of the course they are taking

(G) Completion % (modules available to the trainee right now): The overall completion in relation to all modules available to them at this time. This could change if they are moved to a different group

(H) Completion % (modules the trainee has started): The completion in relation only to the modules they have attempted so far. This may include modules they no longer have access to, depending on which groups they are in.

(I) Completion % (modules the trainee will have access to: This calculates up to 12 steps in advance in relation to the modules the trainees may have access to.

Examples for columns G, H and I

For an example course with 10 modules available in one group:

  1. Sally has attempted two modules and passed them with 100%. Column G will say 20% (2/10) and Column H will say 100% as she has completed both modules 100%. Column I will also say 20% as Sally already has access to all the modules. Column I will always be the same as column G if there's only one group.
  2. Barry has attempted all the modules and has achieved an average of 92%. Some are passed, but others aren't. Column G will say 92% and Column H will say 92%. Column I will say 92%.
  3. Billy has attempted two modules. He got 50% in each one. Column G will say 10% (he's effectively completed two halves of a module) and Column H will say 50% because he's averaging 50% in the modules he's attempted. Column I will say 10%. 

For an example course with 24 modules available, spread over a number of groups

  1. Penny's company has set up a group for each month. In each group there are 2 modules, meaning a total of 24 modules in one year. She's been at the company for 6 months and has completed all the modules so far assigned to her. Column G will show 100% (she's completed all the modules available to her), column H will show 100% (she's completed all the modules she's started), and column I will show 50% (she's yet to receive access to half of the modules).

How much should a trainee score?

We only issue a certificate if the trainee gets 100% in all modules. This is because we believe that the information in the courses is important to know and it's not onerous to complete the courses. However, if your team's internal requirements are accepting of scores less than 100%, this can be tracked in the course completion report, but a certificate won't be issued.