Some of these notifications can be turned off. To turn off notifications, go to Profile > Email settings. If you are a trainee registered with just a username, not an email, you won't receive these notifications.


EmailWhen does it send?Can unsubscribe?
Password resetWhen requestedNo
Someone has attempted to log into your account more than 10 times10th unsuccessful login attempt

Account holder-specific emails

This is a list of emails that you could receive if you are the main account holder

EmailWhen does it send?Can unsubscribe?

You bought some course licences

Immediately when purchase is successfulNo
Course information and setup details for a recently purchased courseImmediately when purchase is successfulNo
Bounced invitationWithin 6 hours of sending an invitation to an invalid email addressNo
Trainee from another company accepted your invitation to join your companyOn trainee acceptanceNo
A trainee hasn't completed any quizzes after 14 and 31 days14 and 31 days after the trainee is added or accepts the invitationYes
A trainee doesn't accept an invitation within 14 days14 days after the invitation is sentYes
Bull uploading has completedOnce all uploads are processedNo
A trainee has not had a practical assessment (validation) within 30 days of course completion30 days after the trainee finishes the online modulesYes
Trainee completes a course
Immediately when a trainee gets 100% in all modulesYes
Course access ends for a trainee that has not completed their course30 days and 1 day before access endsYes
Course access ends for a trainee has has completed their course30 days and 1 day before access endsYes
When trainee course access endsWhen a trainee is removed or loses access to the courseYes
A training record is expiring90 days and 30 days before expiry, and 30 days after expiryYes
A manager purchases a course using a credit card/Paypal/Google Pay/Apple PayImmediately when purchase is successfulYes
A manager purchases a course by invoiceImmediately when purchase is successfulYes
A manager removes a traineeImmediately when removedYes
You requested a reportWithin 5 minutesNo
An administrator has set up your accountAdministrator may trigger email
An administrator has added course licences to your account
Administrator may trigger emailNo
A trainee has been moved to another group using a group sequence ruleImmediatelyNo
Your account has been upgraded from an individual account to a business accountImmediatelyNo

Trainee (has access to a course licence)

EmailWhen does it send?Can unsubscribe?
You registered an accountImmediatelyNo
You're being invited to a courseImmediately when invitedNo
You've been added to a courseImmediately when addedNo

You have accepted the course licence but haven't completed any modules

14 days and 31 days after acceptingNo
One of your qualifications expires30 days beforeNo
Your course licence is expiring and you haven't completed it30 days beforeNo
More content has been made available to youImmediatelyNo
Content has been assessed by an assessor for a unit standard courseImmediately when the module is assessedNo
Practical assessment requestWhen you finish a course that requires a practical assessmentNo


  • You are being invited as a manager
  • A trainee hasn't completed any quizzes after 14 and 31 days
  • A trainee in one of your groups has a qualification expiring in 90 or 30 days, or it expired 30 days ago
  • A trainee in one of your groups is ready for a practical assessment
  • Course access is expiring in 30 days or 1 day for trainees that have not completed their course(s)
  • Course access is expiring in 30 days or 1 day for trainees that have completed their course(s)
  • A trainee hasn't accepted an invitation within 14 days