How to download your certificate if you are a trainee

Navigate to Your Courses > Enrolled courses and then click on the green certificate button. If you can't see it, it means you haven't finished all the modules.

If you are using a smartphone, go to Learn > Your courses > Enrolled courses.

How to download a certificate if you're a manager

The trainee must have their first and last names entered before a certificate can be generated. You can add this for them by searching them and clicking Edit.

Go to Manage > Trainees and courses > Course and trainee options > Manage trainees

The Certificate button will appear green and will be activated if the trainee has completed all modules, with the exception of Fleet Driver Skills, where you can generate a certificate at any point. 

This creates a certificate that contains the best result from every module that the trainee has registered a score for. For example, if a trainee has taken the Emergencies module twice, scoring 88% and 100%, the certificate will only show it once with a score of 100%.

There may be other documents available such as the course validation statement, ID card, Results (CSV), or File depending on the course and whether you have uploaded any files.

Searching for a trainee and downloading a certificate

To download an individual trainee's certificate(s) you can search for them using the search box. This will display any courses they have course licences for and you will be able to download the certificate if they have completed the course material. The certificate button appears grey if they have not completed the modules.