Qualifications and experience is a list of items which you can add to that are relevant for your work. For example, you might have a forklift endorsement, a membership to the Institute of Advanced Motorists, have driven buses for 10 years and have a racing licence.
To get there, go to Your Skills > Qualifications in the top menu. Or you can use the right-hand tab if you're already in that section.
To add a new record click on +Add new record
Fill in the date you earned the qualification or had the experience, any expiry date, the type of qualification (you can choose more than one type), the qualification name and, if you would like to prove you have it, you can upload a JPG, PNG or GIF image of any certificate or other document.
When you've finished entering details, click +Add record, or if you want to discard changes, click the black X on the top right corner of the screen.
You'll be reminded by email 30 days before the expiry date of the course (if you've entered an expiry date).