How to start your course

You may have received an email invitation. If so, click on the green button in the email and it will prompt you to choose your preferred password. You'll then be logged in.

If you have been given a username and password from your administrator, or you've already set your password from the email invitation and want to log in again go to

Click on Log in or sign up on the top right


Or if you're on a smartphone click on the hamburger menu

This will drop down the main menu

You can click on any of the menu items to reveal more options. Use the up and down arrows to expand and contract the sections.

If you are viewing it on a phone, you may see a prompt to download the app. You can close this prompt.

The app is free and you can download it by following these help pages.

The first time you log in, you'll get a series of helpful tips which explain what each section does. 

If you are only a trainee, when you log in you'll be taken to the Take Training Modules page. If not, click Your Courses > Take Training Modules (or Learn > Your Courses > Take Training Modules on a smartphone, as shown above)

It might ask you to set your name before you do anything else - fill this in because you'll need it for your certificate.

If you just have the one course, that's all you'll see in the Take Training Modules page. If you have more than one course, click the dropdown menu (Choose course) and select which course you'd like to do. 

In the screenshot below, the trainee has already completed all the modules, and can retake the modules, if desired. Downloadable content is listed at the top. 

This is the same view on a smartphone

Depending on what your administrator has made available, you might see different modules.  You can start taking the modules from this page by clicking Take module or Retake module (if you've done it before). 

Watch the video or presentation (if available) then complete the questions. You can repeat the module as many times as you like. Note: the software logs how much time you spend on each activity. If you skip the video on your first time doing the module, this action forms part of the reports available to your manager.

Simply work your way through all the available modules. Once you've finished, your administrator will get an email and it will write a training record.

To see a list of your courses, when access expires and how far you are through them, go to Your courses > Enrolled courses (or Learn > Your courses > Enrolled courses on a phone). It will show you the course names and your current progress. Click on the name of the course that you want to take.

To get to your profile to do things like add your name or reset your password, click on Hi [name], then choose an option. If you're on a smartphone, click Account, then you will see options that include Your profile.